

We postpone the beta one day

Rasmus Rønn Nielsen, The Dudes 15 April 2013, 17:30

As I wrote earlier today we've been installing the new beta version on our servers.

The process has gone pretty well except for some surprisingly slow "data migrations" required by the new version. Unfortunately, that means we cannot open the beta today.

We're very sorry about this. We've been looking forward to this so much and so have many of you guys.

But then again, that's why you call it a "beta test": You never know if everything will work as anticipated.

We feel pretty confident the servers will be done "chewing" early tomorrow morning :-)

And to those of you who haven't yet discovered it: You can get a glimpse of the player abilities on the player profile: Click the button just above the abilities.

And don't worry: The new abilities is not yet fully calibrated and have no affect whatsoever on the game. They are calculated on the fly only for the player profile and for the beta of the match simulator.

The new abilities might seem a bit confusing at first. We'll explain why the conversion is done the way it is in a future blog post.

See you tomorrow :)